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What is integral deep listening?

Integral Deep Listening (IDL) is a transpersonal dream yoga designed to empower you by accessing your own innate emerging potentials so that you can align your choices and goals with the priorities of your life compass.

IDL exists to ground all your relationships in respect, reciprocity, trustworthiness, and empathy. It deepens respect, both for others and yourself by deeply listening to any and every perspective that presents itself in your day-to-day life issues, dreams, nightmares, and mystical experiences. It deepens reciprocity by teaching the value of treating everyone and everything as we would want to be treated – with respect, trustworthiness, and empathy. It deepens trustworthiness by testing deep listening in your life so that it proves its value and worth to you. It deepens empathy by practicing setting aside your own interpretations, assumptions, preferences, and worldviews in order to hear and appreciate those of very foreign perspectives.

IDL provides coaching, practitioner, and trainer curricula to access and teach deeper levels of healing, balancing, and  transformation.  

The healing component involves moving out of toxic scripting, drama, and cognitive distortions.

The balancing component involves aligning our goals with the priorities of our life compass, learning assertiveness, and improved, effective problem-solving.

The transformation component involves learning to interview your own dreams and life issues, those of others, and to teach them to interview you and others. It involves improving your ability to center, focus, witness, and access clarity in meditation. It involves learning seven octaves of pranayama to turn your every breath into your best friend. It involves learning and practicing powerful and effective dream incubation to radically transform not only your dreams, but your tomorrows.

IDL typically eliminates nightmares in one session. It accesses meaningful and useful interpretations of even the most bizarre and meaningless of dreams. It reframes the life issues that matter the most to you in ways that speed their resolution. IDL has been shown effective in reducing anxiety, eliminating panic attacks and the symptoms of PTSD. It reframes grief and depression in ways that allow us to find broader meanings and purpose in life. As children and their parents access and align with the priorities of their life compass, communication improves, emotional reactivity and drama dissipate, and mutual support replaces conflict and resistance.

The best thing about IDL is that it teaches you to access your own path and YOUR truth. This is not about some expert telling you who you are or what to do. It is about learning to access and listen, in a deep and integral way, to your own emerging potentials and life compass, and then to test their recommendations in your daily life.

For more information about Dr.  Joseph Dillard, visit IntegralDeepListening.Com

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