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  • Treating Disorders of Regulation

treating disorders of regulation and trauma

Sensation is the implicit content of our affect. Our affect is the explicit manifestation of our sensations. Through the body we will explore the dimensions of the self in time/space and relationship. We will utilize the senses as a gateway into regulation, attachment and expression in the world. During practicums we will address regulation in the context of limbic resonance, intention, support and the development of a coherent narrative for promoting regulation. This workshop will present Early Childhood studies.

Target audience: Early childhood therapists, educators, occupational therapists, couples therapists, addictions therapists, individual psychotherapists, trauma therapists

  • Recognize the inter-connection between the body’s twelve senses, embodiment, empowerment, and their importance in relationships and healing trauma
  • Apply the “Twelve Senses Model” in understanding and treating autonomic nervous system dysregulation and creating a coherent narrative about the “self”

“Ana do Valle’s work in Sensory Integration™ provides important tools to help stabilize clients with deep attachment and regulation problems.”
Peter A. Levine PhD

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